Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sorting Multidimensional array in php

This function helps you to sort multidimensional array based on an particular index in that array


Parameter 1 : It is the multidimensional array.
Parameter 2 : It is the index name in multidimensional array.
Parameter 3 : It is to define the ascending or descending order of index name multidimensional array.Acceptable values(asc,desc).
Parameter 4 : If the index has alphsnumeric values then set this as true else false.
Parameter 5 : If you want index name to case sensistive set this as true.

function sortmulti ($array, $index, $order, $natsort=FALSE, $case_sensitive=FALSE) {
  if(is_array($array) && count($array)>0) {
    foreach(array_keys($array) as $key)
    if(!$natsort) {
      if ($order=='asc')
      if ($case_sensitive===true)
    foreach(array_keys($temp) as $key){
      if (is_numeric($key))
    return $sorted;
  return $sorted;

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